Technical Assistance

Technical Support

Open Data Watch (ODW) is pleased to provide countries with technical assistance to improve their open data offerings. Since 2015, ODW has expanded its program to include direct engagement with national statistical offices to transform ODIN assessment results into practical policy and technical advice on data quality, sharing, and other best practices.

Through these engagements, countries work directly with ODW experts to gain additional insight on how to best use their ODIN assessment and implement changes that not only result in improved open data systems, but also close the gap between data production and use. As a result, most countries also see an increase in their ODIN score after implementing such improvements.

Support is tailored to meet the particular needs of the countries’ statistical offices and other national statistics producers. As a nonprofit NGO, ODW is funded through grants from donors such as William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. However, financial support for more extensive technical assistance, such as workshops, is needed to offset some of our costs.


Members of the national statistical office in Uzbekistan attending a 4-day training on various open data topics in May 2021 in Tashkent

Types of support

Various levels of support are offered to countries by our trained staff, including email support, virtual consultations, and in-person or virtual workshops. We also work with international and regional organizations to build custom support programs for one or more countries.

For more information or to schedule any of the following support options, please email us at

Email Support Virtual Consultations Workshops

Have a quick question about one of your ODIN recommendations or open data generally? ODW staff are always available to answer your questions via email.

Email support is best for questions related to:

  • ODIN methodology questions
  • Specific questions about ODIN results
  • Review of open data licenses
  • Feedback on open data portals

ODW offers up to 1 hour consultations to countries who want a chance to ask more questions about their ODIN assessment and better understand their scores.

In these assessments, we generally cover:

  • A summary of your latest ODIN assessment
  • An explanation of the main recommendations from your assessment
  • Time to answer any questions

For countries that need more assistance, participating in one of our interactive workshops is a great way to educate your team and put together a plan to make improvements.

Some countries choose to schedule one workshop or multiple workshops over several days. All workshops are customizable and tailored to the specific needs of the organization. Workshops can be conducted in-person or online via Zoom. At the end of each workshop, participants will receive an action plan and recording of the workshop.

A summary of common workshop topics can be found below.

Country Workshops

The following are a few examples of in-person workshops conducted by Open Data Watch. In the next section you can find more details about the workshop topics.

Workshop Topics

Below is a sample of some of the workshop topics Open Data Watch has conducted. Custom workshops can also be designed by request.

Open Data in Official Statistics (2 hours)

This workshop is perfect for groups that need an introduction to the basic concepts of open data and international standards, as well as a space to ask questions. This workshop is also a useful introduction to open data that can be used to begin coordination among multiple statistics producing agencies to develop a joint open data dissemination strategy. In this workshop, participants will gain an overview of open data definitions and standards, the state of open statistical data globally, and common benefits and challenges to implementation, including addressing privacy concerns. Then, we introduce participants to ODIN as a means to track their progress, discuss the methodology and provide a brief overview of their ODIN results and how they can use the website to review their results further.

By the end of the session, participants should have a strong understanding of how open data standards apply to national statistics, be familiar with initiatives and standards for open data to guide their efforts, and receive answers to any concerns they may have.

Data Coverage (4.5 hours, multiple sessions)

This workshop is designed for statistics agencies looking to publish more open data, but are unsure which datasets to prioritize. In this workshop, we will discuss coverage gaps in social, economic, and environmental data as identified by ODIN. The workshop also provides an overview of how to identify other priority datasets, showcases examples from other countries, and identifies both traditional and alternative data sources for ODIN indicators.

This workshop is generally broken down into multiple sessions, depending on the level of detail desired. By the end of the sessions, participants should have a good understanding of each ODIN indicator, its importance for development, the extent of their organization’s data gaps, and what types of data may exist already to fill those gaps.

Data Openness (2 hours)

This workshop is designed for statistics agencies that have a basic understanding of open data and are now ready to start implementing open data standards.In this workshop, we will discuss potential openness gaps relating to different aspects of open data standards. Participants will learn how to utilize low-cost solutions to make data available in machine-readable and non-proprietary formats and implement standards and best practices to publish metadata. We will also discuss the different types of licensing options and share examples.

By the end of the session, participants will have detailed knowledge of open data standards, as well as practical recommendations for how to better meet those standards.

Special Topics: Data Licensing (1.5 hours)

A special topic workshop on open data licensing could be beneficial if you are currently designing your own license and want to better understand your options. In this workshop, we will not only discuss the open license options and share examples from other countries, but also review your current license or country licenses (if applicable), and provide an overview of the legal framework that may affect licensing in your country.

Special Topics: Data Use (1.5 hours)

A special topic workshop on data use is a great way to begin implementing user-centric decisions into your data dissemination and collection strategies. In this workshop, we’ll discuss the data value chain and how to increase data’s value through increasing use, how to identify and target potential users, and some tools available to better understand users. This workshop also includes some activities to combat issues of data use related to website accessibility and user-friendliness, which may discourage use. Specific examples from the organization’s main data dissemination website are used in the activities to ensure relevancy.