Country Profile

ODIN Score

Summary scores for 2015.

All summary scores are weighted. When using standard ODIN weights, category scores are weighted to make the shares of social, economic, and environmental statistics equal in the overall score. Coverage and openness elements are equally weighted. Summary scores and subscores are all scaled from 0 to 100.

Overall Ranking Coverage Ranking Openness Ranking
Eastern Europe 1 1 1
World 2 3 3
Coverage Openness All Elements
Social Statistics 56 70 63
Economic Statistics 81 63 70
Environment Statistics 74 70 72
All categories 69 68 68
Data Elements
Data Categories Coverage Openness    All   
Population & vital statistics 90 70 80
Education facilities 40 70 55
Education outcomes 40 70 55
Health facilities 70 70 70
Health outcomes 60 70 65
Reproductive health 60 70 65
Gender statistics 60 70 65
Poverty & income 30 70 50
Social Statistics subscore 56 70 63
National accounts 75 70 72
Labor 60 70 65
Price indexes 75 70 72
Government finance 75 60 67
Money & banking 100 50 69
International trade 100 70 81
Balance of payments 100 50 69
Economic Statistics subscore 81 63 70
Land use 60 70 65
Resource use 88 70 78
Energy use 83 70 75
Pollution 75 70 72
Built environment 70 70 70
Environment subscore 74 70 72
Data Categories
Data Elements Social Statistics Economic Statistics Environment Statistics    All   
Indicator coverage and disaggregation 81 100 100 94
Data available last 5 years 81 100 100 94
Data available last 10 years 81 100 90 90
First administrative level 31 0 25 22
Second administrative level 6 0 0 4
Coverage subscore 56 81 74 69
Machine readable 100 86 100 95
Non-proprietary 100 79 100 93
Download options 50 50 50 50
Metadata available 100 100 100 100
Terms of use 0 0 0 0
Openness subscore 70 63 70 68

A description of the sources used for ODIN assessments is listed below. Also included are links to their location on national statistics office websites. Most national statistical office websites are regularly updated so some of these links may not work and our descriptions may not reflect the most current updates. Please contact us if you find any errors.

Category Indicators
Population & vital statistics 1.Population by age and sex for 2000-2015.
2.Population by age, sex, and district for 2007-2015.
3.Mortality rate by age and sex for 2000- 2014.
4.Death rates by district and region for 2006-2013.
5.Births by sex and district and city for 2000-2014.
6.Birth and mortality rate by district from 2003- 2014

1. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2000-2015. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
2. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2007-2015. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
3. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2000- 2014. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
4. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2006-2013. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
5. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2000-2014. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
6. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2003- 2014, Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
Education facilities 1.Number of schools and staff by school type for 2000-2014.
2.Education as a value added to GDP from 2000-2013.
3.Schools by district and region from 2003-2015.
4.Number of schools and staff by types of schools and school stage, 2005-2014.

1. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2000-2014. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats. and link
2. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2000-2013. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats. and link
3. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2003-2015. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats. and link
4. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2005-2014. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
Education outcomes 1.Enrollment rate by sex and level of education, 2007-2008.
2.Graduates by type of institution, 2000-2013.
3.Students by type of institution and sex for, 2000-2014.
4.Enrollment in vocational schools by sex and district for 2008-2015.

1. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2007-2008 . Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
2. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2000-2013. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
3. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2000-2014. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
4. Statistical Databank, Tables,2008-2015. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
Health facilities 1.Number of hospitals by ownership, 2000-2013
2.Number of physician by specialty and indicator, 2000-2013.
3.Number of beds in hospitals by specialization and indicators, 2000-2013.
4.Health expenditure as value added to GDP, 2000-2013.
5.Physicians by district, 2003-2013.
6.Number of beds by district, 2003-2013.
7.Health expenditure as a percent of GDP and the budget, 2000-2012.
8.Number of medical institutions, number of physicians (Admin1), number of beds in hospital (Admin1). 2005-2014.

1. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2000-2013. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats. and link
2. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2000-2013. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats. and link
3. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2000-2013. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats. and link
4. Statistical Databank, Tables,2000-2013. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats. and link
5. Physicians by district from 2003-2013. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats. and link
6. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2003-2013. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats. and link
7. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2000-2012. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats. and link
8. Statistical Databank, Tables,. 2005-2014. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
Health outcomes 1.Proportion of 2 years-old children immunized against measles, 2000-2013; HIV/AIDS prevalence, 2000-2013.
2.Immunization by age and type of vaccination, 2000-2013.
3.Population morbidity by type of disease, 2000-2013.
4.Immunization rates by disease, age groups (up to 2 years old), 2005-2014.
5.HIV incidence (for all, and for 15-24 years), 2005-2013.

Reproductive health 1.Infant death, 2001-2014.
2.Under-5 mortality rate by sex, 2000-2014.
3.Infant mortality by sex, 2000-2014.i
4.maternal mortality rate, 2000-2013.
5.Adolescent fertility by age groups, 2008-2013.
6.Fertility and reproduction rate, 2000-2013.
7.Infant and under-5 mortality by sex, and age.2005-2014.
8.Maternal mortality ratio, 2005-2013.

1. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2001-2014. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
2. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2000-2014. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
3. Statistical Databank, Tables 2000-2014. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
4. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2000-2013. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
5. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2008-2013. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
6. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2000-2013. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
7. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2005-2014. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
8. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2005-2013. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
Gender statistics 1.Proportion of seats held by women in the Parliament, share of women at top management level, share of women employed by economic activities, and women's average wage as a proportion of men's average wage, 2000-2013.
2.Incidence and prevalence of violence against women, 2010.
3.Political participation of women, 2008-2013.
4.Women in parliament and share of women at top management level, 2005-2013.

1. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2000-2013 Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
2. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2010 Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
3. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2008-2013. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
4. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2005-2013. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
Poverty & income 1.Income by quintiles, 2006-2013.
2.Share of population below the national poverty line and the poverty gap, 2000-2013.
3.Share of the population below national poverty line. Share of poorest quintile in the national consumption, 2005-2013.

1. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2006-2013. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
h2. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2000-2013. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
3. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2005-2013. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
National accounts 1.GDP in current and comparable prices, disaggregated by economic activity, 2000-2013. .
2.Intermediate consumption by economic activity in current and comparable prices, 2000-2013.
3.Expenditure elements by indicators, in current and comparable prices, 2000-2013
4.GDP, production and expenditure, by industry, current, and constant prices, 2005-2013.

1. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2000-2013. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
2. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2000-2013. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
3. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2000-2013. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
4. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2005-2013. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
Labor 1.Employment and unemployment rate by major age groups and sex, 2000-2014.
2.Employment by economic activity, sex, and age group, 2000-2014.
3.Youth unemployment, 2000-2013.
4.Employment by sex, major age groups, occupation, industries. 2005-2014.
5.Unemployment by sex, age groups, 2005-2014.

1. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2000-2014. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
2. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2000-2014. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
3. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2000-2013. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
4. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2005-2014. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
5. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2005-2014. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
Price indexes 1.CPI by major groups, 2000-2015.
2.PPI by activity, 2011-2015.
3.CPI, by major groups, 2005-2014.
4.PPI, industrial production, activities, 2005-2014.

1. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2000-2015. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
2. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2011-2015. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
3. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2005-2014. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
4. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2005-2014. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
Government finance 1.Generation of income account by indicator, 2000-2013.
2.Revenue and expenditure by type and source, public national budget, 2007-2014.
3.Budget and actual revenues and expenditures. 2014.

1. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2000-2013 Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
2. Revenue and expenditure by type and source from 2007-2014, public national budget, in excel. and link
3. Budget and actual revenues and expenditures. 2014. Website table in HTML.
Money & banking 1.Assets by economic activity, 2000-2013.
2.Money supply, M1, M2, and M3; Monetary aggregates, 2006 to 2013.
3.Credits and deposits, Balance of credits, 2006-2013.

1. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2000-2013, Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
2. Finance, Financial activity , 2006-2013, in excel.
3. Finance, Financial activity , Credits and deposits, 2006-2013, in excel.
International trade 1.Exports and imports by category from 2001-2013.
2.Imports and Exports by major categories. 2005-2013.
3.External trade 2014-2015 (Jan-Oct).

1. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2001-2013. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats
2. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2005-2013. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats
3. External trade, 2014-2015 (Jan-Oct.), in Excel. and link
Balance of payments 1.Net export and imports, 2000-2013.
2.Exports, imports, and trade balance, 2005-2014.
3.Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) by country and investment, 2000-2009.

1. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2000-2013. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats
2. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2005-2014. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
3. Impact of Foreign Direct Investments on the Moldovan Economy, Tables 1-18, pp. 13-47, 2000-2009. PDF
Land use 1.Lland area, 2008-2015.
2.Forest protection for 2006-2013; Investment in environmental protection and use of natural resources, 2006-2013.
3.Land area by environmental zones and agricultural uses. 2005-2014.

1. Geography and Environment, Land, 2008-2015, in Excel. and link
2. Geography and Environment, Land and Forest Fund, 2006-2013 in excel.
3. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2005-2014. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
Resource use 1.Water supply and use, 2006-2013; Forest coverage and protection, 2006-2013.
2.Forestry, Fishing, mining, gas, and water supply as value added to GDP, 2000-2013.
3.Water supply to consumers by district, 2008-2013.

Energy use 1.Oil consumption, 2000-2013.
2.Stocks, inputs and electricity consumption, monthly, 2015.
3.Electricity, coal, oil, and natural gas consumption, 2015.

1. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2000-2013. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
2. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2105. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
3. Electricity, coal, oil, and natural gas consumption, 2015. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
Pollution 1.Emission of air pollutants by stationary sources (Admin1) and road transport, 2005-2014.
2.CO2 emissions from stationary sources and transport, 2005-2013.
3.Electricity, coal, oil, and natural gas consumption, 2015.

1. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2005-2014. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
2. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2005-2013. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats Excel
3. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2015. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats
Built environment 1.Household supply and use of water for 2007-2014.
2.Households by sanitation and water access, 2006-2013.
3.Sewage systems by district,2008-2013.
4.Water supply systems by district, 2008-2013.
5.Dwelling by wall material, 2000-2011.
6.Household characteristics. 2006-2014.
7.Water supply and sewage systems, by Admin1, 2008-2014.
8.Proportion of households with access to improved sewerage. 2005-2013.

1. Geography and Environment, Water Use, 2007-2014, in excel.
2. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2006-2013. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
3. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2008-2013. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
4. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2008-2013. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats
5. Statistical Databank, Tables, 2000-2011. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats
6. Statistical Databank, Tables 2006-2014. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
7. Statistical Databank, Tables2008-2014. Admin 1. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats.
8. Statistical Databank, Tables. 2005-2013. Results can be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats